Wynning Experiences

Last night one of my girl friends asked me if I’d written my bucket list. Apart from thinking… ‘hey I’m not dying from this’, it also reminded me that I had. Back on my honeymoon, 7 years ago, Eli and I were in London, I think, and we started writing a list of places to visit together.

I must say, we’ve done a decent job of the list over the past 7 years, but when I started adding to my list today, I realised that it wasn’t just about places to visit, it was also about experiences. Things like sliding on a slip and slide, having a romantic picnic on the beach, going fishing, watching the sky tower fireworks, going to a concert, sleeping under the stars… the list goes on and on.

These things don’t need to be expensive, but they do need us to be present, so many of us are stuck with our noses in our smart phones or our minds wander and we might be worrying about what’s for dinner or thinking about what you’re supposed to be doing tomorrow and suddenly the experience passes us by.

We also need to recognise them as opportunities to feel gratitude. Gratitude that you could have this experience either alone or with others. For the time and effort you or someone else put  in to make it happen. That you are in a position to be able to experience this… because so many in the world may not.

I believe this is all part of Wynning at Life.

Prince EA says – We all die, but not everybody lives!

My promise to myself and to you, is that I will share how I am Wynning at Life. Sharing my experiences and moments of gratitude.

I hope you will share yours with me!

Aroha nui, Aroha mai,

Wyn x

PS. I’ve added this photo because it’s probably one of my greatest wyns… being a Mum! I never expected to be a Mum to 5 boys. It definitely comes with it’s challenges and I am still yet to master it, but everyday I do my very best as a Mother and I think that’s all we can ask of ourselves.

My boys have taught me so much about life and love. I am grateful for them every day.

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