Eli’s Side to this Breast Cancer Story



One of the hardest parts of this breast cancer journey has been the impact on my husband and children.

I owe a great deal of gratitude to my husband. It’s been a rough and raw year for us with my Grandfather and Father dying earlier this year and now dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis. When I say he’s my rock, I mean every inch of the word.

And just because he is a man, does not mean he’s invincible to feeling pain and emotions. Quite the contrary, I’ve watched him feel pain like I’ve never seen before. When you face the possibility of losing the one you love, it brings perspective to life.

Over these past few months, he and I have grown so much stronger in our marriage. Not only do we talk more openly and honestly about our feelings, we set time for doing so and even have a space in our home we go to, so we aren’t off loading in front of the children or in our bedroom.

I am so proud of my husband. I’ve made some big changes in my life and not only has he been 100% supportive, he’s taken some of the new changes on board for himself too.

I am blessed to have Eli in my life, my guardian angels were definitely looking over me the day we met.

I hope you enjoy what Eli has to say,

Wyndi xx

A Daughters Admiration of her Mother

When we think of breast cancer it’s natural to think about the person who was diagnosed and the care and support they will need. Sometimes we forget about the children involved.

I was blessed to speak with Kayne and hear about how her mothers breast cancer diagnosis affected her and the admiration she has for her mother.

If you have a story you would like me to share, please get in touch!

With love,

Wyndi xx