I am Happy & Sad!

When you look at this picture… What do you see?
Do you see someone that is Happy?
What if I told you that during the weeks leading up to and even the week after, I’d been incredibly Sad!
In fact, I am still experiencing many Sad times at the moment.
I am not telling you this to have an influx of people feeling sorry for me! In fact… please DO NOT feel sorry for me!!!!!
I am telling you this because, just like you, I am human too.
And guess what??!!
Sadness is a perfectly normal human emotion.
And in the end, it’s how we react to Sadness that makes the difference.
I’ve taken a deep look at my Sadness.
I’ve wondered what my soul is trying to teach me during this time.
I’ve questioned ‘who am I’?
I’ve looked at how I’ve lived my life these past 37 years and looked at the changes that I need to make to live the fulfilled life I want to live and I’ve wondered if I can make those changes.
I’ve also looked at my Happiness.
I’ve asked myself… ‘What truly makes me happy?’
‘What fills my heart with joy?’
And then I’ve asked… ‘How can I get more of that?’
If we listen, we can learn from our Sadness and our Happiness.
Therefore, I am thankful for my Sad times. They are a message from my soul steering me in the right direction.
This is why I do not need pity.
All I need is LOVE <3
Just like all souls on this Earth.
I own both traits! I am both Happy and Sad <3
And I am LOVE!

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