My Journey… My Decisions

Sharing my story is not easy. So much of my story is yet to come. The unknown is scary, especially when we’re talking about the C word.
There are so many people that have reached out to me who have been through BC and never shared their story. I think no matter if you’ve shared your story with others or not, you are brave having battled this dreaded disease.
My journey won’t be the same as anyone elses. While my BC may be similar to others BC, the decisions that I make about how to deal with it are ones that ultimately suit me. Factors that affect that are my lifestyle, my journey, my beliefs, my values, my husband and my children.
This is much the same with anyone that has to make decisions in life.
And there may be times where one may not ever understand the reasoning behind decisions that another has made. But it’s simple. Those decisions are not yours to make. You do not need to understand or agree, but simply accept that the decisions made are their decisions to make.
I read a post recently on a fb page that I follow and the lady was talking about how her friend was dying from cancer and that she couldn’t help her. Her BC had spread to her bones. She knew that here were holistic ways of fighting cancer, but her friend didn’t want to hear about them. So much so that the friend ultimately ended their friendship.
This woman couldn’t understand how her friend could accept her fate like that. In fact so many comments on the post showed that many people didn’t understand. I realised I had been in a similar situation when my Dad was diagnosed earlier this year with Liver Cancer.
So I decided to share my thoughts, my comment merely stated… “I feel for you. In the end, it’s her decision. Help her to enjoy what time she has left. Create great memories. Be there for her. Know that this is her journey, not yours. Her decisions are not yours to make, find your own peace. Sending blessings your way x.”
When my Dad was diagnosed I decided nothing was going to stop me from making memories and spending as much time with him as possible. I dropped almost everything. It was tough. And he made decisions about his health that I was proud of him for trying and ones that absolutely infuriated me. But he taught me that I can’t control everything or everyone. And that another’s journey, is not my own.
I hope by sharing my journey I help others to heal, to educate or even to resonate.
This is my journey…
These are my decisions…
I hope it helps xx

2 Replies to “My Journey… My Decisions”

  1. So very true Wyndi…our loved ones get frustrated and angry with the choices we make like most things in life but it is our own journey and all though our families and friends are important to us and we have such abundance of love for them we can’t always do things to please them.
    I feel there are times where we need to be a little selfish, to love ourselves it’s not easy but we get there…where there is I’m not sure…but I’m comfortable with my decisions and choices…that’s what matters.

    About 2 or 3 months after my mastectomy I did have a little breakdown quietly in the shower when the realisation became apparent that I had lost a boob, so yes it’s a little scary but we come from a very strong blood line filled with so much strength, determination and perseverance.

    I’ve just seen my BC Specialist after having my Mammogram and ultra sound, so yes there is another lump on my other breast but doesn’t appear to be of much concern however I need to go in and have a core biopsy just to rule out anything and then re-visit her…so I’m all booked in for Wednesday for the core biopsy and then the specialist at the beginning of September.
    I believe I’ll get the all clear which would mean that my visits to my specialist will be once a year, she was concerned that I had lost weight but I had reassured her that I’ve always been small and that I’m a grazer/pick eater.

    I’m praying that you and your family have strength and happiness through out your journey.

    Kia kaha much love and blessings to you all
    Deig xxx

  2. You are right, the journey is ours! And while others don’t understand, they don’t need to.

    I’m sending you an abundance of blessings for the journey you have already taken. For the loss and tears shed. I am also sending you well wishes for the new lump you have found. I pray that the lump is nothing to be concerned over.

    It would mean so much if you would please let me know the results. But I will understand if you do not.

    I am here though, in your corner, should you need me. While we are Wahine Toa, we are still allowed to be vulnerable and ask for help. Sometimes that shows greater strength.

    Sending love and light
    Wyn xx

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