Visionary – Disrupter – Purpose Driven

Enhancing the Mana of Māori and Pacific People

Wyndi Tagi is many things – Visionary, CEO and Co-founder of WE Accounting (with her husband Eli); Business Coach; Board member for Manukau Institute of Technology Rūnanga, St Peter’s College BOT and The Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF) Indigenous Women’s Business Network; mother to five sons – and grandmother to two baby girls – and wāhine toa on a mission to enhance the mana of Māori and Pacific people.

Proudly Ati-Hau-Nui-A-Paparangi on one side and European on the other, everything Wyndi does is to further that mission. Be it using her background in finance and banking to coach small businesses, rolling out financial literacy programmes to those who need it the most, contributing her thoughts in multiple governance roles, setting up outsourcing work in Samoa, or trying to help WE’s clients understand that they can have financial success while staying true to family-centric cultural values.

As a cancer survivor who knows what it’s like to be a single mum, to be part of a blended family and to start a business with a newborn baby, Wyndi believes that understanding people’s ‘why’ and whole life situation is the first step in helping them to run a better – and more profitable – business. Strategic visionary and planner, growth advisor, business coach, mentor and facilitator, Wyndi’s happiest place is helping people run purpose driven businesses that positively impact communities. 

She truly believes every business owner can be who they want, do what they love, be present  for their family and still thrive financially.

Wyndi Tagi - Enhancing the mana of Māori and Pacific People

Living a life of Purpose

2017 became one of the worst and yet rewarding years of Wyndi’s life. 

In January 2017, Wyndi lost her Koko (Grandfather) to Prostate Cancer. In April the same year, she lost her father quite suddenly to Liver Cancer. At the same time her sister was diagnosed with Breast cancer. Not long after that, two days before her birthday in July, Wyndi was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

In watching both her Koko and her Dad pass away, they reminded her that the day she dies can be a joyous occasion where she dies knowing she made a difference and lived a life of purpose or one of regret. 

Being faced with so much death and the realities of her own mortality, Wyndi was determined not to let these occurrences get the better of her. She realised that it’s not what happens to you, but how you deal with it that matters. What followed was a trail of events that would set her on her path to living a life of purpose and help others to do the same.

Wyndi went on a journey to understand her life’s purpose.  She doesn’t hold back on the difficulties in doing so! She first sifted through years of trauma and loss of identity to come back to what she feels that she already knew – that she is here to enhance the mana of Māori and Pacific people. 

Wyndi now finds joy in helping others to living a life of purpose and run successful purpose driven businesses. She hopes they will make a positive impact for the current and future generations.
